Sunday, September 20, 2015

Good Evening My Beloveds!

    Preparations have begun and the 13th Annual Cathouse Halloween party is at hand.   As in previous years this is a party where everyone is welcome.  If you are reading this you are invited.  Bring your friends. We love new people.  Our gathering is a costume party but if you don’t want to wear one, feel free to come as you are.  Children are always welcome.  This year our party falls on Halloween night so we are looking forward to some of our friends bringing their kids to trick or treat in our neighborhood.  We are generous with the candy in Old Towne Petersburg, so much so people drive their kids over to enjoy our largesse.  
  Crash space is always available at our house, but we also have some lovely Bed & Breakfasts on our block and around the neighborhood.  We will start listing them in our next entry.