Friday, October 30, 2009

Cats! Helfpul?

We're busy decorating and they're busy.....looking decorative?

Google Image

Here's our house (circled) on GoogleMaps Satellite. If you notice in the upper right hand corner, you will see an "A." Apparently, Google thinks our house is a block away from its actual location. DO NOT BE FOOLED! Our house is hard to miss. You've seen the pictures. See you soon!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


This is an excerpt from "Ghosts of Virginia: Volume 3" by L. B. Taylor, Jr., available in your local bookstore. We picked it up at Barnes & Noble.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Halloween Approaches!!!

We've been frantically busy moving my parents into the house so we've had no time to tell you what we've been doing for the party. We promise that will change this week. We will post something each and every day. And to begin with, a helpful public service announcement.

Here is a picture of our beautiful house at night. This is the view you will see when you arrive. It is more helpful than the original picture we posted as it no longer has the shutters or the red roof. There is also our gargoyle, "Amelia Junior" or "A.J." as she calls it, much the worse for wear. We have more than a bit of repair work to do on him.

And let's talk a bit about parking. It's a little tricky but workable if you pay attention. You can't park on our side of the street. You can park on the other side of the street and any of the parallel blocks and walk over. And it's a great neighborhood, no worries.